Friday, June 7, 2019


PC SPECIFICATIONS TABLE EssayAn U.S. Army Colonel talked (use an different word besides talked or restructure the sentence so that you wont have to use the talked) about Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment issues at the SHARP (what is sharp?) training meeting. (I hypothecate this lede is a bit vague and boring)In the battle against knowledgeable assault and inner agony Col Howard Covington continuously work in sending the message that we argon failing in this matter. Working together is what can provide continuity of c are to the victims and make them feel that they are not left behind express Col Harold Covington, an Executive officer. He also indicated that commanders are responsible to establish a command climate that is safe to Soldiers soldiers shouldnt be capitalize and civilians as well through training and education. Many people had been hurt and many soldiers have not been held responsible for their acts because commanders are failing to implement the zero tolera nce insurance policy and allowing climate of harassment to continue in their units said CPT Jen Taylor, a U.S. Army IG advisor. We all have a responsibility to take action to swap our culture to eliminate an enemy that lies within our ranks responded Col Covington .We hire to demonstrate through our words and actions the importance in this matter. CW2 this isnta recognizable ennoble maybe it should be spelled outMichael Dilts, an HR officer said that to protect the victims and re-ensure they are not re-victimized must be a first priority in both command we have the option of geographically separate the victim and the alleged offender the victim has the preference to request her/his preferences. He added.This is very confusing and shouldnt be a sentence but maybe added to the previous sentence or add more attributions SFC Angel Keen, a logistician NCOIC said, Id seen cases where the victim doesnt have this option because commander prioritizes the mission first and not the victim situation. SFC Terry Brown said many sex harassment situations dont go forward because there is not witness or proof that incident occurred, basically end in her word again his words.He added, Situations like this are hard to resolve because you dont want to hurt an innocent or you dont want a harasser be free (this should be in quotations and why is the situations capitalized?). Col Covington responded, Reporting procedures are very important and every individual need to sleep together them. We are failing because many individuals dont know what to do in a case of sexual harassment or sexual assault.We need to continuously send the message to everyone that we are not tolerating sexual acts and our policy is in practice. CPT Taylor said, How can we help those victims that failed to report sexual incidents because they feel blamed and they think that nobody will believe them. Cold Covington responded, We need to keep sending the message to the victims that we are here for support a nd to fight against sexual assault and sexual harassment acts. CW2 Michael Dilts said all soldiers most be treated properly and succeed in an environment that allow them to achieve their best potential.The Armys SHARP policies apply to everyone regardless of the ranks, age, gender, and are sexual orientation neutral. An individuals sexual orientation is a personal and private matter he added. Armys policy on sexual harassment covers Family members and soldiers 24/7. Suggestive comments are unwelcome, unwanted and sexual in nature constitute sexual assault and is a crime. Col Covington said, We need to stop the quid pro quo and eliminate the hostile environment in our Army.If we dont start workings in these two areas, we wont be able to protect our soldiers. Sexual Harassment is a violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. Complaints are processed IAW AR 690-600 and 29 CFR Part 1614. Physical contact such asgrouping and fondling constitutes sexual assault and is punishable unde r UCMJ, and other Federal and local civilian laws. (this isnt a good closing paragraph and I think this should be towards the middle of this article)

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